Take Action Today For A Healthier YOU Tomorrow
(226) 377-6325
861 Warwick Street, Woodstock
The exercise and training facility at Scott Shaheen Personal Training Fitness & Wellness. Specializing in personal training and fitness coaching, nutrition and lifestyle coaching, and pain management techniques such as fascial stretch therapy, red light therapy, cupping therapy and gua sha scraping therapy. Located in Woodstock Ontario.

Contact Scott Shaheen

Fill out the form below and help me help you. I will get back to you in a timely fashion at which point we will discuss your individual needs and what you are looking to acheive. If you are able to provide a brief description in the form that helps, but if not we will just have a chat and determine how I can best assist you. There are no such thing as goals too big, together we will get you there!

Questions? Let Me Know How I Can Help!

Fill out this form with your information and I will get in contact with you within 24 hours. Look forward to hearing from you!

SSPT Location
861 Warwick St
Woodstock, ON N4S 4R6
Business Hours
Monday-Thursday: 7 AM – 7 PM
Friday: 7 AM – 4 PM
Customer Service